Asset Owners: Interpreting Signs from the Universe

INTRODUCTION As fiduciaries, asset owners have an imperative obligation to evaluate the performance of investment portfolios, upon which they have oversight responsibilities. Further, all efforts to conduct a comprehensive evaluation should certainly include relative comparisons (i.e., performance relative to a benchmark, to peers, etc.). Peer review is an effective tool because absolute results only tell […]

Outsourcing Chief Investment Officer Services: A Guide to Best Practices

The Institutional Shift to OCIOs Not so long ago, it was the norm for boards of mid-sized institutions such as foundations/endowments and non-profit health care and religious organizations to have in-house investment management including staff, possibly a chief investment officer (CIO), and a board committee in conjunction with a non-discretionary consultant run their investment programs. […]

The Perfect Storm Against Sustainable Investment Programs: The Role of Trusted Advisors

Atmospheric changes across the planet have generated a number of extreme weather-related events in recent years (i.e., Bomb Cyclones, Bombogenesis, and Superstorms). As the intensity of these storms increase, citizens have become increasingly wary of the forecasts presented by meteorologists, the supposed subject matter experts. Similarly, a number of changes have occurred within the financial services industry […]

Impact Investing

Impact Investing Impact investing has the potential to fundamentally transform the way investment capital interacts with the world. Directing capital to solutions which aid the poor and the planet while earning a financial return is indeed an exciting proposition. Impact investing falls under the broad umbrella of socially responsible investing (SRI) which can take many forms […]

Clamoring About Crypto

Responsible Investing: The Implementation Challenge

The Basics-Managing Your Investment Program

Resource Management



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